July 1 - mileage: 46,010 km
(distance for the day = 528 km)

So, first day today, started out later than expected, about 10:30-11:00. It was raining when we left, but there were dry roads by the time we hit Hixon. I discovered my visor isn't as good as first thought. It lifts at about 95 km/h. While in Hixon, Kyle went to put his foot on his pegs, forgot the kickstand wasn't down, and dropped his bike. Next stop, Quesnel. Weather was good. But when we went to gas up, Kyle realized he had lost 2 bolts, a nut, and a cotter pin from his rear caliper. It other words, he had no back brakes. So about an hour and a half later, and some manufacturing of the missing parts, we were on the road again. We stopped for lunch in McLease Lake. Kyle lost his highway peg between there and Kersley. While waiting for Kyle's lost peg, we discovered I need a new starter. The weather turned awful at Begbie summit. Very rainy and cold. We stopped in Clinton for gas and food for later. The weather was good after that. We stopped where we thought we were going to camp, Marble Canyon. We decided to keep going to Lillooet. Shortly after we left, my bike stared running very badly, no power, backfiring, and smelling of raw gas. We finally got into camp around ten. As we set up, Judy make an awesome dinner for us all (Thank you Judy.) So that was the day. There were nine people, Mom, Dad, Reg Donalda, Kyle, Scott, Judy, Brock and me. Six bikes, one motor home.

P.S. I forgot to mention, before we even left town, at the Vankosky's, while trying to get on the bike, mom fell and hurt her wrist.

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